Informal listing of large and medium-sized French towns applying switch-off of their public lighting

And the most significant lesson will be a lack of evidence of an increase in crimes and offences


This 2021 message from the ADEME French Agency:

Nearly 40% of metropolitan municipalities swith-off their street lighting part of the night and 8% vary the intensity lighting. Small towns are more likely to switch-off completely public lighting in the middle of the night, while the large municipalities are content to decrease the intensity:

– 43% of municipalities under 2,000 residents turn off street lights compared to only 7% of municipalities over 50,000 inhabitants;

– 6% of small municipalities use dimming versus 19% for the cities. We can conclude that the latter are more equipped with management systems.

One of ADEME French agency publications

From an october 2022 press article from online news Reporterre website:

In ChambéryColmarAgde or Nevers, this weekend of mid-October is that of transition. As in many French municipalities, elected officials have chosen to switch-off public lighting at night. In certain districts of Metz, the change occurs on October 12. In Trouville-sur-Mer it was the 9th and in Saint-Brieuc the 5th. In the Vienne department, 240 municipalities (out of the 260 in the department) also cut off the light on October 3rd. And the list is still long. Particularly because other cities had gone into extinction for longer, such as Saint-Nazaire since 2018 or more recently Strasbourg (since March).

One of Reporterre online news

From a discussion on the Webastro forum:

An informal compilation of towns practicing complete or partial switch-off, established between 07/15/2022 and 01/06/2023.

The portal of the Webastro forum

And also:

Another discussion from the Webastro forum:

And those who ended the experiment…:

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